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YouthForce NOLA
We are working hard to ensure that New Orleans public school graduates are thriving economically, and that they are the most sought after talent for hiring and advancement in the region’s high-wage, fast-growing industries.
Dryades YMCA
With the Y, you’re not just a member of a facility; you’re part of a cause. With a shared commitment to nurturing the potential of kids, improving health and well-being, giving back, and supporting our neighbors, your membership will not just bring about meaningful change in yourself, but also in your community.
New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network
For nearly 30 years, the New Orleans Multicultural Tourism Network has celebrated and promoted our multi-ethnic, multi-everything city. Giving established businesses and startups a leg up is our passion. We’ve led the way in the creation of programs that showcase the cultural diversity of New Orleans. As the next chapters of the New Orleans story unfold, of one thing you can be sure: NOMTN will be here connecting visitors to the Soul of New Orleans – to the diverse people, places, and experiences that have refreshed and sustained this city for more than 300 years.
International Arts Foundation
The International Arts Foundation for 20 years has been promoting the benefits of cultural diversity and its impact on New Orleans’ unique culture. The International Arts Foundation is a non-profit organization founded by Ernest D. Kelly in 1987. The Foundation supports local community projects and economic development; and is committed to helping rebuild the City of New Orleans and revitalize the vibrant culture that New Orleans is known for.